Oct 10, 2010

How to Survive a food Shortage!!

Now that our economy is in turmoil, it would be wise to grow your own food, buy in bulk if you can, you never know if you might have to barter.

Prepare as if t was going to be a long hurricane.

It is better to be prepared then to sit back and do nothing and watch yourself, your family and friends suffer needlessly.

Eliminate debt!

Prepare to live off the land, hunt, fish annd learn to grow your own food.
Learn how to store food and how long it last. Buy when things are on sale; a few items a week add up.

Make an emergency supply kit full of items useful during power outages. Many survival guides recommends stocking candles, matches, lighters, flashlights, a gun, blankets, batteries, a few gallons of gasoline, a water filtration system, first aid kit, cash, canned foods and other essential supplies.

Get off the addiction
to a Standard American Diet. Don’t wait for food to become unaffordable--- get free now! Processed foods and most restaurants are usually full of MSG, aspartame, salt, sugar, wheat, all of which make the foods addictive!
If you are hooked on these foods, you can easily become free in about two weeks after your body makes new cells that don’t have the memory of these "foods?".

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